Ellen came into us at SSC, after spending a fair while at other kennels, as her owner was no longer able to care for her.
Ellen is currently in our Worcester kennels. She is very shy and timid at first, but super friendly and really wants to be fussed.
When she gets to know you, she is very gentle and cuddly. She takes her treats very gently.
Ellen is a very good girl and stands perfectly still to be harnessed up. She walks lovely on the lead without pulling, if anything - she walks slightly behind you.
She loves a slow steady walk, so she can sniff every blade of grass on the way.
She has not reacted to other dogs, cars, bikes or people who have passed her while we have been out on our walks.
Ellen hasn’t shown any interest in toys or balls, but this could be just because she’s shy in the kennel environment. When we take her in the meet n greet room, she loves to climb on the sofa with you for snuggles.
She hasn’t been dog tested with off lead dogs, but she definitely hasn’t shown any reaction to other dogs in a controlled situation out walking or in their gardens as we pass.
We have yet to test Ellen in the charity van, but will update as soon as we have.
Ellen has been the perfect patient when the vet has visited kennels.
Health issues:
She has had a full health check, including a blood test, and all has come back in normal ranges.
We aren’t aware that she has any health issues.
Ideal home:
• We feel Ellen would blossom in a calm quiet home, this would give her time to come out of her shell and show her true character.
• We are unsure if Ellen would be happy with living with another dog, so possibly the best option would to initially be the only dog in the home.
• Because she is so timid and a little nervous, children would need to be 14 years and over.
• We are unsure whether Ellen has ever been left in the home, so this is something that would possibly have to be built up over time to see how she got on.
Standard information:
Ellen is microchipped and vaccinated. She is currently in our Worcester kennels, but she can be rehomed anywhere in the UK, pending a successful home visit. However, any adopter should be willing to travel to meet her at least twice where she is now.
There is an adoption donation of £120 for Ellen and all money donated goes directly to helping all the Senior Staffies in our care.
We aim to acknowledge your application within 48 hours.