

The team who work here are the bedrock of the Senior Staffy Club. 
We are all dedicated to ensuring that the needs of our canine friends are met to the very best of our ability. 
If you would like to give some time to help, please take a look at our vacancies for more details. 

Powered by volunteers 

Powered by volunteers 

Senior Staffy Club is run entirely by the power of volunteers – so when we say volunteers are vital to keep the wheels turning, and to keep helping Senior Staffies in need, we really mean it! 
We are always looking for volunteers, especially in the roles listed below… 

 Dog Transporters  

 Dog Transporters  

Transport is regularly required to move dogs to foster homes and to the kennels we use in the Worcester and Stoke areas. Additionally, we need to move our Senior Staffies from kennels to the vets and back – although this is only required at the Worcester kennels. 
If you are a driver and happy to volunteer for this important role, please complete our online Volunteer Form. 

 Dog Walkers  

 Dog Walkers  

We are often in need of volunteer dog walkers at the kennels in the Stoke and Worcester areas. 
If you are at all interested, please complete a Volunteer Form. 
All volunteer dog walkers must be 18 years old or over. 

 Facebook Workers  

 Facebook Workers  

The aim of this role is to monitor and post to the main Facebook page whilst on shift. Full training is provided. 

 Foster a Staffy  

 Foster a Staffy  

Foster care is when you provide temporary care to a Senior Staffy Club dog in your own home until they are ready to be adopted or can return to kennels. 



Organise and promote Senior Staffy Club events and fundraising activities. 
We are currently recruiting volunteers in the Stoke-on-Trent area to assist with fundraising in the Pets at Home store in Festival Park. 
If you can volunteer, please complete the form by clicking below: 

 Home Checkers  

 Home Checkers  

Visits to prospective adopters’ homes and subsequent reports to the Adoption Team, allied to information provided via our online forms, allow for the appropriate adoption decisions to be made. 
If you have the experience and feel this is a role for you, please complete our online Volunteer Form.