To see more videos of Stanley, please visit their playlist on YouTube by clicking below:

Stanley came to SSC after becoming uncomfortable around a small child in the family, and his family were no longer allowed dogs by their landlord.
Stanley was very confused and scared when he first arrived at kennels. However, he’s completely forgotten about his fear and worries now and is a friendly, happy, boy who loves people.
He craves attention from people and loves nothing more than sitting next to you and having a neck scratch – we think Stanley would sit and be adored all day if he could!
He can be a bit bouncy and jump up to get attention, but as soon as he’s getting fuss he settles quickly and will generally sit down to enable you to give him all the love!
When he’s not having fuss, he does like to play with his toys. His favourite game is playing fetch, but he also enjoys a good chomp on a soft toy.
Stanley loves his treats and chews and can sit, wait and lie down on cue.
Stanley really enjoys going for walks and gets very excited to get going! This did previously mean he could have a bite at his lead and harness, but this has improved to the point that he happily stands still for his harness to be put on and doesn’t even give his lead a second glance anymore.
He can pull quite a bit on the lead if allowed. We’ve been working on this and have seen a lot of improvement, however this will need to be worked on in a new home and he will need someone capable of managing his pulling and keeping up with him.
Stanley is not reactive to other dogs on his walks
Stanley has not had much experience of travelling in the past. He’s been on a few short journeys in the car with us (around 20 minutes) and has coped really well. He settles down quite quickly on the backseat and either sits looking out the window or lies down.
Stanley loved meeting our vet and was more than happy to have lots of fuss and tummy rubs off them.
He does become a bit stressed when being examined, but he just tries to wriggle away or distract the vet with little kisses. He may need mild sedation for future blood tests etc. and would benefit from ‘fun’ trips to a vet to help him feel more relaxed.
Stanley is in good health. He had routine blood tests that came back with a few mildly raised levels, but these are all normal for a dog his age.
He is not neutered, following advice from our vets. However, if once in his new home this changes, SSC could help towards the costs of neutering if needed.
Ideal home:
Stanley needs to be the only pet in the home. He isn’t reactive to other dogs on his walks, but he has been a bit grumbly with other dogs around kennels so we feel he’d settle better in his new home as the only dog. Plus, we don’t think he’d enjoy sharing the attention with any other pets!
He can live with older children around 14 years plus but cannot live in a home with young children or one with regularly visiting small children.
As Stanley craves attention from people, we’d like him to find a home where he won’t regularly be left on his own for long periods of time.
Standard information:
Stanley is microchipped and has started his vaccinations.
He is currently in kennels in Stoke-On-Trent, but he can be rehomed anywhere in the UK, pending a successful home visit. However, any adopter should be willing to travel to meet him at least twice where he is now.
There is a non-refundable adoption donation of £120 for Stanley and all money donated goes directly to helping all the Senior Staffies in our care.
We aim to acknowledge your application within 48 hours.