Kennel Crusaders: In Memoriam 

Kennel Crusaders: In Memoriam 

This section on the Kennel Crusaders page records the names of people whose love of Staffies and dogs generally is commemorated by a relative or friends following their passing. 
A fitting ‘In Memoriam’ where their lives and love of dogs is continued in their name through regular donations for Senior Staffy Club dogs. 
Should you wish to add the name of a late relative or friend to this new category of Kennel Crusader, please get in touch below. 

 Kennel Crusaders: In Memory of a Dog  

 Kennel Crusaders: In Memory of a Dog  

This section records the names of Kennel Crusader’s beloved dogs whose memory they wish to keep alive, and in doing so, help Staffies who come into our care. 
Should you wish to add the name of a dog and a few lines to this new category of Kennel Crusader, please get in touch below. 
Applegate – Bruno: Dear Brunie, life hasn’t been the same since we said goodbye, the house is quiet and your presence is missed. You’ll always be in our hearts and minds, our precious beautiful boy. George xxx 
Bartlett – Troye: In loving memory of Kroogie Bear Troye. Our best boy, 2009 – 2021. If love alone could have made you stay, you would have stayed forever. Always in our hearts. Phillipa x 
Beddoes – Bear: For my darling girl, who came to me as a rescue aged 18 months in Brisbane Australia, and returned with me to the UK to become a beloved member of my extended family. We will always love you baby. Alison xx 
Beighton – Silas and Jake: Our beautiful boys. 
Bradbury – Max: Always in my heart. Janet x 
Corkery-Lloyd - Lottie: Miss her so much, she was a wonderful dog. My baby, my world. 
Currier – Missi: My beautiful girl, miss you so much xx Lee xx 
Davis – Sidney: In memory of our best boy. Cass. 
Dyke – Summer: Our beloved Staffy who crossed Rainbow Bridge on 12th August 2021. We were truly blessed to have you in our lives. Run free sweet girl. Philip. 
Hinds – Gerti: My gorgeous girl Gerti helping other Staffies from beyond Rainbow Bridge. Miss you loads my gorgeous girl. Love mum xx Gill xx 
Joyce – Frankie: Silly, gentle, loving, funny, cuddly boy who will always be loved. Nicola xx 
Kerr – Tycho & Kai: For our lovely old boys – we miss you both xxx Valerie & Marc 
Klepuszewska – Peregrine (Perry) and Rubinstein (Ruby): My two best friends, my precious brave little ones, in celebration of the tremendous fun we shared. I miss and love you so much. I won’t ever forget you. Penny x 
Leedham – Taz: In loving memory of our gorgeous boy loved and missed always. Our hearts broke when you left us. You were our perfect Staffy boy. Love you always, Gemma xxx. 
McNally - Enzo-Elise: Enzo my Princess i miss you more everyday you were and always will be my beautiful puppy 
Moore – Monty: In memory of our beloved Monty the Staffy, aka Montyzoomer. The best boy ever, Arlene xx 
Nuttall – Ellie: My little sweet pea, forever loved. Carrie x 
Parsons – Jet: In memory of our best boy Jet, who gave us 13 years of love and fun. Now running free over the fields and through the ditches over the Bridge. Love Mum and Dad x 
Santos – Brue Turner: Always loved those toast eyes! Clare. 
Stott – Roo: My gorgeous girl, loved so much, missed so much. You’ll always be in my heart. Your mum, Ruth xx 
Ward - Malcolm: We could not have asked for a more gentle, loving soul. He filled our lives with nothing but pure joy. Hoping he has crossed over to Rainbow Bridge, and is waiting for us there. 
Williams – ‘Ollie The Staffy’ Ollie: You will always be my best pal…but also a pal to everyone who knew you. Love you baby boy, Emz x 

 Kennel Crusaders: Members’ Listing 

Kennel Crusaders: Members’ Listing 

Listed below are all the people who have kindly set up monthly donations in their own name, as a gift to someone, in memoriam to a friend of relative, or in memory of a dog who has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Whatever your reason, the Senior Staffy Club is very grateful for the financial support you have elected to donate via our Kennel Crusader scheme. Thank you! 
Aleen Thomson 
Alexandra Bragg 
Alison Evans 
Alison Fletcher 
Alison Pilling & Mac 
Alison Rushmer 
Allan & Nikki Blackey 
Allisa Whant 
Alison Beddoes 
Allison Coleman 
Alma Botes 
Amanda Ager 
Amanda Higgs 
Amanda Horton 
Amanda Malone 
Amanda Tennant 
Amie Atkinson 
Amy McNair 
Amy Mothershaw 
Andrea Froud 
Andrea Newell 
Andrea Westwood 
Andrew Chidgey 
Andrew Francis 
Andrew Wright 
Andy and Karen Cork 
Andy Burton 
Andy Davies 
Angela Hardman 
Angela Smith (Barnsley) 
Angela Smith (Sussex) 
Angela Wagg 
Angie Cotterill 
Angie Main 
Angie Morrish 
Angus Watson 
Ann A Thorpe 
Ann Parker 
Annabel Graham 
Anne Cullen 
Anne Nicholson 
Arlene Moore 
Barbara Crowther 
Beau Robinson 
Benedetta Ferraro 
Bernice Millard 
Beth White 
Bethan Lock 
Birgette Snow 
Brenda Long 
Bronwen Thomas 
Carla Lockley 
Carla Sankey 
Carla Sleeth 
Carla Taylor 
Carol Boyle 
Carol Hunter 
Carol Smith 
Carole Taylor 
Caroline Dent 
Carrie Mckenzie 
Carrie Nuttall 
Carron Wilson 
Cass Davis 
Catherine Webber 
Charlene McQuoid-Guess 
Charlotte Wickens 
Chelley Tulloch 
Cheryl Mullane 
Chloe Durrant 
Chloe Gracey 
Chloe Jeffs 
Chris Coleman 
Chris Coombs 
Chris Lyne 
Christina Chincotta 
Christine Henderson 
Christine Smith 
Cini Shanahan 
Claire Arpa 
Claire Gibbs 
Claire McRae 
Claire Morton 
Claire Munro 
Claire O'Sullivan 
Claire Stickland 
Clare Brinkley 
Clare Brown 
Clare Jackson 
Clare Johnson 
Clare Queen 
Clare Santos 
Clive Davies 
Damian Nally 
Dan & Lottie Kovac-Hutchinson 
Danielle Burchfield 
Danielle Ellis 
Danielle Ives 
Danielle Nicholas 
Danielle Perdue 
David Fitzpatrick 
David Hammond 
David Hardman 
David Sumner 
David & Jan Durant 
David & Rebecca Rabjohns 
Dawn Statham 
Dawn Steptoe 
Deana Chamberlain 
Debbie Griffin 
Debbie Hartle 
Debbie Lambert 
Debby Morris 
Deborah Holt 
Deborah Pilot 
Deborah Smith 
Debra Cowley 
Debra Holman 
Denise Adams 
Denise Boaden 
Denise Pearson 
Derek Beaumont 
Diane Hartland 
Diane Morley 
Diane Thorpe 
Doe Goodwin 
Dominique Wright 
Donna Heatley 
Donna Jones 
Donna Riccobonni 
Donna Rock 
Dorothy Abbott 
Dorrie Vickers 
Duina Beeby 
Eilish Stamper 
Elaine Irvine 
Elaine Madigan 
Elaine Martin 
Elaine Thomas 
Eleanor Hamed 
Elise Cann 
Elizabeth Ann Gibson 
Elizabeth Lisle 
Elizabeth McGilloway 
Elizabeth Naylor 
Elizabeth Stringer 
Elizabeth Wood 
Emma Evans 
Emma Fryer 
Emma McFarland 
Emma Sewell 
Emz Williams 
Evelyn Flanigan 
Faye Prior 
Fiona Ellis 
Fran Widdowson 
Gail Cooper 
Gail Hinds 
Gail Willis 
Gary Hale 
Gary Park 
Gemma Leedham 
Geoff Fulcher 
George Applegate 
Georgia Baillie 
Georgia Thomasson 
Georgia Spilsbury 
Georgina Kinch 
Gill Patterson-Jones 
Gill Thorn 
Gillian Maguire 
Gillian Williamson 
Graeme Archer 
Graham & Lois Powell 
Hannah & Carl Scott-Stone 
Hayley Evans 
Heather Davis 
Heather Liptrot 
Helen Fulcher 
Helen Hono 
Helen Maher 
Helen Marshall 
Helen Wakeford 
Ian Lee 
Imogen Hough 
Iris Melling 
Iris Osborne 
Jackie Hocking 
Jackie Robotham 
Jacob Bazeley 
Jacqueline Smith 
Jacqueline Whitlock 
Jamie McArdle 
Jan Kealy 
Jane Davies 
Jane Fairfield 
Jane Hunter 
Jane Marshall-Robb 
Jane McPhilbin 
Jane Nicholls 
Jane Till 
Janet Bradbury 
Janet Calver 
Janet Ford 
Janet Gardner 
Janet Hamnett 
Janette Coshall 
Janice Blakey 
Janice Case 
Jasmine Kimber 
Jason Goswell 
Jayne Davies 
Jayne Griffiths 
Jayne Husband 
Jayne McBurney 
Jean Patrick 
Jeanette Raffle 
Jen Turrall 
Jenna Yallop 
Jenni Turner 
Jennie Hill 
Jennie Fasolino 
Jenny Foster 
Jenny Fraser 
Jerome and Sara Bana 
Jessica Wilson 
Jill Burgess 
Jill & Jim Herring 
Jill Hunter 
Jo Woodsford 
Joan Morris 
Joanna Cooper 
Joanna Foord 
Joanna Mackness 
Joanne Burgess 
Joanne Kilkelly 
Joanne Lang 
Jodie Clacher 
Jodie Newell 
John Hyland 
John Morrison 
John Pollard 
Johnny Macaskill 
Jon Hunter 
Jonas Meredith 
Joseph Platnauer 
Josephine Roberts 
Joy Manders 
Jude Atkins 
Judith Bryce 
Judith Stephenson 
Judith Whittingham 
Judy Young 
Julia Cartwright-Jones 
Julia Hockin 
Julia Kaminski 
Julie Ann Garnczarek 
Julie Burton 
Julie Drennan 
Julie Giles 
Julie Harding 
Julie James 
Julie Dukes 
Julie Forsyth 
Julie Knight 
Julie Marshall 
Julie Wallace 
Julie Williams 
Julie Woods 
June Brown 
Justine Barton 
Karen and Doug Cook 
Karen Brereton 
Karen Crane 
Karen Donnelly 
Karen King 
Karen Madronal 
Karen Moore 
Karen Pogmore 
Karen Wilson 
Kerry Schuster 
Karen Bailey 
Karen Whybrow 
Karen Wright 
Karina Newlyn 
Karla Gillham 
Kate Duggan 
Kate Ford 
Katie Howorth 
Katie Partlow 
Kate Mizon 
Kate Parker 
Kate Ridley 
Kathy Townsend 
Katie Randtoul 
Katy Knight 
Kay Goodhall 
Keiron Hewitt 
Keith Astley 
Keith Fossey 
Kelly Suzanne Taylor 
Kelly Tarmas 
Ken & Vi Medlicott 
Kerrie Hamlin 
Kerry Barnes 
Kerry Eagle 
Kerry Milton 
Kerry Moralee 
Kerry Parker 
Kerry Schuster 
Kezia Tomlinson 
Kim Richards 
Kimberley McGeer 
Kirsty McKenzie 
Kirsty Phipps 
Kirsty Potts 
Kristina Hyland 
Krysta Parsons 
Laraine Hurt 
Laura & Mitch Burch 
Laura Horwood 
Laura Hunter 
Laura Mitchell 
Lee Currier 
Lee White 
Leesa & Paul Bridson 
Leonie Flanders-Brazier 
Lesley & David Mackness 
Lesley Dougan 
Lesley Ramplin 
Li Hatcher 
Libery Burns 
Linda Burgoyne 
Linda Fulwell 
Linda Gasson 
Linda Rolph 
Linda Ware 
Lindsay Darby 
Lisa Bailey 
Lisa Dernie 
Lisa Fleming 
Lisa Malone 
Lisa Palmer 
Lisa Whitaker 
Lisa Young 
Liz Poland 
Lorraine O'Keefe 
Lorraine Swindells 
Lottie Andrews 
Lottie Barton 
Lou Micklewright 
Louise Hawkins 
Louise Henderson 
Louise Jones 
Louise Muttram 
Louvain Doyle 
Lucie Bushnell 
Lucy Edwards 
Lucy Ellen Shone 
Lucy Fuller 
Lucy Neville 
Lucy Walker 
Lucy Ward 
Lyn Rigby 
Lynda Burr 
Lynn Ainsworth 
Lynn Burkett 
Lynne Armstrong 
Lynne Saunders 
Madge Kent 
Malcolm Cooke 
Mandy Hobbs 
Mandy Martin 
Marc Barrowcliff 
Margaret Brown 
Margaret Dunbavin 
Margaret Ellis 
Margaret Gamlin 
Margaret Summers 
Maria Cunnah 
Maria Martin 
Maria O’Connor 
Maria Vendome-Gardner 
Marianne Mellor 
Marie Ffrench 
Mark Taylor 
Martin Crawley 
Martin Shields 
Martin Steer 
Martine Swannell 
Mary Grice 
Mary Robinson 
Mary Rowe 
Matthew Percival 
Melanie Cooper 
Melanie Rose 
Melanie Watt 
Meshell Charlston 
Michael & Elizabeth Sears 
Michael Devall 
Michael Jones 
Michaela Tooth 
Michelle Farrington 
Michelle Long 
Michelle Morgan 
Mike Purnell 
Monica Meier 
Muna Roberts 
Natalie Toft 
Natalie Walker 
Neil Fulcher 
Neil Hughes 
Neill & Lesley Bateman 
Nesta Vokes 
Nichola Storar-Richards 
Nicholas Morrell 
Nick Debnam 
Nicola Brinton 
Nicola Hedges 
Nicola Joyce 
Nicola Orpin 
Nicola Price 
Nicola Smith 
Nicole Dennis 
Nicole Laugier 
Nikki Fraser 
Nikki Raby 
Nikki Ross 
Nina Cockcroft 
Nina Ritchie 
Nycky Edleston 
Oliver Newton 
Orla Wohlman 
P.D Stella The Staffie 
Pamela Clutterbuck 
Pamela Mensah 
Pamela Tooth 
Paola Bottinelli 
Pat Coates 
Patrick Mulkerrin 
Paul Butler 
Paula Brown 
Paula Cowper 
Paula Munday 
Pauline Brady 
Pauline Cross 
Pauline Sanders 
Peggy Ann Dengate 
Penny Jakumeit 
Penny Klepuszewska 
Peter Stringer 
Peter & Susannah Hollidge 
Peter Yearsley 
Philip Dyke 
Philip Griffiths 
Philip Rigby 
Philippa Bartlett 
Prize Paws 
Rachael Spooner 
Rachel Barlow 
Rachel Davis 
Rachel Hipkiss 
Rachel Morgan 
Rachel Phillips 
Rachel Whymant 
Rae Ashford 
Raymond O’Shaugnessy 
Rebecca Hardeman 
Rebecca Joanne Willis 
Rebecca Phillips-Mullins 
Rebecca Radcliffe 
Regine Debatty 
Richard Taylor 
Rob & Denise Maidment 
Robert Bateman 
Robert Jenkins 
Ronnie Smith 
Roo R Hocking 
Rory Barnes 
Rosalyn Green 
Rosie Dow 
Rosemary Parkinson 
Roz Laws 
Ruth Cramer 
Ruth Ellis 
Ruth Hanney 
Ruth Killeen 
Ruth Shelley 
Ruth Stott 
Sally McColl 
Sally Pearson 
Sally Saunders 
Sally Whittaker 
Samantha Harriman-Platt 
Samantha Morris 
Samantha Papworth 
Sandra Atkin 
Sandra Mitchell 
Sara Good 
Sarah Bayliss 
Sarah Corkery-Lloyd 
Sarah Hathaway 
Sarah Hessey 
Sarah Hurley 
Sarah Milner 
Sarah Wilding 
Sashikanth Reddy Dareddy 
Shannon Collins 
Sharlene Riley 
Sharon & James Alder 
Sharon Brookes 
Sharon Brown 
Sharon Endersby 
Sharon Slaymaker 
Sharon Walsh 
Shaun Kelly 
Sheila Heatley 
Sheralee Bain 
Sheree Leeds 
Shonagh Ross 
Simon Hanson 
Simone Fordree 
Sky Wheeler 
Sonia Shaw 
Sophie Berry 
Sophie Snow 
Stephen Pace 
Stephanie Davies 
Stephanie Fitzjames 
Stephanie Goat 
Steve & Ann Pepper 
Steve Price 
Steven Farmer 
Stuart McNally 
Stuart & Steph Hutchinson 
Stuart Scaife 
Sue & Steve Burrows 
Sue Jones 
Sue Miller 
Sue Seale 
Sue Thompson 
Sue Titcombe 
Suria Leet 
Susan Bailes 
Susan Brookes 
Susan Chaplin 
Susan Harris 
Susan Hawkins 
Susan Hargreaves 
Susan Keith 
Susan Siddall 
Susanne Dyke 
Suzannah Smith 
Suzanne Jones 
Suzanne O’Connor 
Suzanne Redsull 
Sylvia Cawsey 
Teresa Hall 
Teresa Lever 
Teresa Clay 
Theresa French 
Thomas Harrison 
Timothy Haigh 
Tom McGrath 
Tracey Ann Green 
Tracey Harvey 
Tracy Blackmore 
Tracy Brunt 
Tracy Hayward 
Tracy Lee 
Tracey McCord 
Tracy-Jane & Stephen Judd 
Tracey Stone 
Trish Widley 
Trudi Day 
Valerie Clayton 
Valerie Groves 
Valerie Williams 
Valerie & Marc Kerr 
Veronica Dennant 
Vicki Anders 
Vickie Peters 
Vicky Howard 
Victotia Bygrave 
Victoria Hobson 
Vikki & Colin Dawson 
Viv Herbert 
Wanda Woodward 
Wayne & Adele Sherwood 
Wendy Ashton 
Wendy Buckley 
Wendy Hope 
Wendy Leigh 
Wendy Lillywhite 
Wendy Trafford 
Wendy Williams 
William Godwin 
William Parr 
Wyn Collier 
Yakira Taylor 
Yasmin O’Brien 
Yvonne Claxton 
Yvonne Pitman 
Zeus Gracey 
Zoe Holloway 
Zoe Tyson 

Have any queries? 

Have any queries? 

If you would like to find out more about adding the name of a late relative, dog, or friend, please get in touch.